2020. 1. 24. 01:31ㆍ카테고리 없음
Resistance is based on number of victory points in state vs total suppression of all divisions present in state. It doesn't matter where you put those divisions within particular state, and divisions in other states don't affect resistance.Occupied states with your cores (like in let's say China-PRC war) and states not completely occupied don't generate any resistance, but we're going to ignore those effects.Since we're going to suppress the whole world, any resistance growth due to resistance in neighbouring states is just temporary and can be ignored. The first thing to notice is that unless you include military police, there's absolutely no reason to ever produce cavalry divisions with multiple battalions. 10cav division has exactly the same suppression and cost as 10 1cav divisions - except with big divisions most of that suppression will be wasted as you can't place just the right amount of cavalry in each state, and excess suppression is completely wasted.The second thing to notice is that military police is only worth it if you have a lot of cavalry in your divisions.So the only designs to consider are:. 1cav. Ncav + military police, for somewhat big N. Because of rounding down on division level, with low levels of MP technology, MP bonus is even lower than it's supposed to be.
Todays Tale, This is my play through of the Iranian Nation as Communists. Victory is at your fingertips! Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Expansion – Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns – Man the Guns is a new naval themed expansion for Hearts of Iron IV, the best-selling globe spanning strategy wargame from Paradox. Jul 11, 2018 - If you were to change or add anything in Hearts of Iron 4, what. In the Middle East, Iran declared war on Israel, and took Iraq, which was the.
For example 2cav+MP with 1936 tech gives 4.8 suppression, rounded down to 4, no better than 2cav alone.But let's assume best case for MPs, 1945 technology (even though most campaigns are over or basically so by that point), as 50% suppression bonus never results in any rounding issues.And it's still bad. Optimal strategy by level is:. harshest: 2cav+mp - 851 divisions, 2127k men (vs 2036k for 1cav). harsh: 2cav+mp - 611 divisions, 1527k men (vs 1429k for 1cav).
Hearts Of Iron 4 Iran Wiki
gentle: 1cav+mp - 756 divisions, 1134k men (vs 1146k for 1cav). gentlest: 1cav+mp - 600 divisions, 900k men (vs 740k for 1cav). The strategy is to put big divisions in high vp states, then top it up with as many 1cavs as needed - and in small states use just 1cavs.You could try even more types - for example California on harshest treatment could be suppressed by one monstrous division of 24cav+MP (24.5k men) instead of 5x 5cav+MP (27.5k men), but that template would be too big for literally every single other state.This is horrible design and developer should feel ashamedNow that we established the numbers and various possible strategies, let's talk about the most important issue here. Bolshevik-said.I agree with you're conclusion 100%. As Germany, I find it cheaper/easier to just give all my northern lands to Vichy in multiplayer because the attention (key thing), manpower, and equipment as well as micro management it simply not worth it considering I will probably have half my civilian factories repairing garbage in France because Partisans destroy it all. I'm not about to do math in the middle of my USSR invasion to determine how many suppression points I need. Like you said, they really need to just make it so that they auto subtract men and equipement from your pool based on your occupation policy.
I'm not even sure how much multiplayer the game designers played but they really should see that this occupation systemA) Takes away from the fun.B) Takes a LOT of extra time and attention. Now you have to waste time microeing divisions that are basically useless in combat instead of moving your air-forces around to new air fields, drawing up better battle plans, etc.Thanks for the article, you pretty much nailed the problem. This dumb system takes away from all the fun. Frankly, I'm not about to take a Calculus course for this computer game. Solution is to simply try and puppet these countries or give them to a reliably ally.
Germany is hard enough to play and considering its fighting everybody and occupies huge amounts of land, it needs to have all its attention on fighting the major powers, not focused on repairing a broken bridge in Belgium. They can even make it so that occupying a country constantly takes away from your manpower pool as men die due to resistance, but there needs to be a serious edit here. Said.Great article!I can agree to many of your points, but just for the point of discussion i can give some arguments for use of MP.I dont see MP as only a support company used with Cavalry battalion. The MP support company has a good defense stat and can be used with guards divisions on occupied territory at the coast to provide better defense, but also provide a suppresion stat from you infantry guards division that will lower the need for Cavalry divisons in states on the coast.Inland cavalry divisions can be used to guard VP cities so they are not easily taken by eg. Paratroopers.But i agree the design isnt great and it is a lot of micromanagent.
The math is terrible and the design is not very strategic. There should be some kind of continous drain on manpower and equipment for units in occupied territory.